Qualified Immunity to Change™ Map Facilitator Process

Participants who have completed the Facilitator’s Workshop may apply for a credential: Qualified our Immunity to Change™ Map Facilitator!

This new offering is designed to support our Immunity to Change™ practitioners’ desire to build and demonstrate skillfulness with the mapping process. Those who qualify for the credential will receive an emblem suitable for display on a website or other promotional materials.

Process to become an Immunity to Change™ Map Facilitator

  • Submit an application including two typed client maps.
  • Participate in a 45-minute phone or video call with a Minds at Work Faculty Coach. During this call the Faculty Coach will assess your maps and provide you with an additional Immunity to Change™ map for you to assess.
  • The Coach will either recommend qualification as a Map Facilitator or determine that you need to develop greater proficiency before receiving Qualified Immunity to Change™ Map Facilitator status.
  • If the Coach grants the credential, we will send the Qualified Immunity to Change™ Map Facilitator emblem and some other information. This is a one-time credentialing process. This credential will not expire and you will not need to re-apply. If your Coach determines that you need additional skill-building before re-applying for the credential, we will contact you with information on that as well.

Eligibility Criteria

  • You have previously attended a Minds at Work’s Facilitator’s Workshop or ITC for 1:1 Coaching: Maps and Tests (any year)
  • At least 30 days have elapsed since attending a Facilitator’s Workshop or ITC for 1:1 Coaching: Maps and Tests

Submission Requirements

  • Submit two typed client Immunity to Change™ maps that you created after participating in the FW, with a brief written reflection on each.
  • Pay the $935 application fee


Please click the button below to learn more about the Qualified Immunity to Change™ Map Facilitator credential.