Individual Coaching Arcs


Want to work one-on-one with an experienced and compassionate ITC coach to help you achieve your improvement goal?

Invest your time wisely by working with a Minds at Work Coach on a full – and fully personalized – coaching arc.
Individual in-depth ITC coaching, across the “full arc,” is tailored to you, your goal, your needs, and your schedule. It provides more feedback and accountability than our other offerings.  We have a cadre of highly effective coaches across the world available to work with you by phone and/or electronically. We match you with the right ITC coach after an initial phone interview.

As an optional, additional coaching element, we consult the people you name to get feedback you can use in setting your improvement goal, and getting an external perspective on the progress you have made.

We do this with one or more of the following:

  • using the Leadership Circle ProfileTM
  • conducting individual interviews with stakeholders selected by you
  • administering and compiling a before-and-after survey with respondents selected by you

The Immunity to Change coaching arc is a powerful method for creating the powerful and lasting changes that you want.